Filter query on table kern/lem

Filters: (add or remove filters in the URL)
lem_cit lem_freq_abs
d 9798108
, 8270276
. 5049776
und 2862185
eine 2145965
sein 2084924
in 1748994
die 1319767
zu 1108116
werden 1100674

Use HTTP_ACCEPT: application/json to get JSON only.

8 columns in table /kern/lem

ColumnDescriptionData typeUser documentation
lem_cit String case-sensitive /doc/lem_cit/
lem_len int /doc/lem_len/
lem_freq_abs int /doc/lem_freq/
lem_freq_nor float /doc/lem_freq/
lem_freq_abslog float /doc/lem_freq/
lem_freq_norlog float /doc/lem_freq/
lem_freq_rank float /doc/lem_freq/
lem_freq_rank123 int /doc/lem_freq/

Selecting columns

By default, only one or several default columns are displayed (e.g., the type). To select more columns, use the select parameter:


If using select, the default columns are discarded unless you include them manually.

The default column selection is subject to change. Don't rely on it in your application!



The default sort order is subject to change. Don't rely on it in your application!

Limit and offset




All query parameters of the form COL__OP (two underscores), where COL is a column name and OP is an operator, will be interpreted as filter conditions.

Operators are:

eqequals (for numbers or strings, case-sensitive)
eqiequals (for strings, case-insensitive)
reregular expression match (for strings, case-sensitive)
reiregular expression match (for strings, case-insensitive)
gegreater or equal (for numbers)
leless or equal (for numbers)

Multiple filters on the same field using the same operator are not allowed. One of them would be chosen randomly while the others are discarded.

Case-insensitive string fields can be queried with either the eq or the eqi operator without difference.