List query on table kern/ct

List items: (add or remove list items in the URL)
ct_citlist_showlistid ct_citlist_showlisttoken ct_cit ct_token_freq_abs ct_type_freq_abs

Use HTTP_ACCEPT: application/json to get JSON only.

13 columns in table /kern/ct

ColumnDescriptionData typeUser documentation
ct_cit String case-sensitive /doc/ct_cit/
ct_token_freq_abs int /doc/ct_token_freq/
ct_token_freq_nor float /doc/ct_token_freq/
ct_token_freq_abslog float /doc/ct_token_freq/
ct_token_freq_norlog float /doc/ct_token_freq/
ct_token_freq_rank float /doc/ct_token_freq/
ct_token_freq_rank123 int /doc/ct_token_freq/
ct_type_freq_abs int /doc/ct_type_freq/
ct_type_freq_nor float /doc/ct_type_freq/
ct_type_freq_abslog float /doc/ct_type_freq/
ct_type_freq_norlog float /doc/ct_type_freq/
ct_type_freq_rank float /doc/ct_type_freq/
ct_type_freq_rank123 int /doc/ct_type_freq/


The list query interface is for fetching properties from dlexDB for a given list of lexical items, as far as they have matches in the dlexDB table that you are querying.

Add the list_eq URL parameter one or multiple times to define a list like so:


If you want the matching against dlexDB entries to be case-insensitive, use the list_eqi parameter instead:


The result set will always contain all of your input items, whether they have a match in dlexDB or not. For items without match, the properties will be NULL. The result set may be longer than your input list if

  • you are using the case-insensitive matching with the list_eqi parameter
  • you are querying one of the tables based on annotated types, where a given orthographic form may occur multiple times with different POS tags.

The list query interface does not offer any filtering options. In order to retrieve lexical items from dlexDB by filtering, use the filter query interface.

Selecting columns

In list query mode, the result set contains three or more columns by default:

Numeric id assigned to your input item
Your input item
one or more columns from dlexDB, e.g. typ_cit
Properties from dlexDB. By default, the orthographic column that matches your input is displayed.

To select more columns, use the select parameter:


If using select, the default columns are discarded unless you include them manually.

The default column selection is subject to change. Don't rely on it in your application!



The default sort order is subject to change. Don't rely on it in your application!

Limit and offset
